Friday, May 14, 2010

I Have Learned

I Have Learned that I gained so much when I allowed you to love me. I was resistant before
I Have Learned that your presence consumes me in a way that leaves me speechless
I am in awe of you
I Have Learned that I should not fear. I have no reason to be afraid. I am armed with your favor
I Have Learned that all that ever mattered in this world was you. I missed out on living
I Have Learned that I am beautiful and powerful beyond the world's standards. I am beautiful
and powerful in the heavenly realm
I Have Learned that I give myself away so that you will transform me into a life to be given to others
I Have Learned that trouble don't last always and that victory is in my perception. I am a victor
today, tomorrow and yesterday
I Have Learned that these lessons means sitting in a classroom with no desk, no classmates
and no pen. You God are my professor. You write the next chapters
I Have Learned that where you lead me. I will follow